The School of Arts & Sciences, established in 2020, consists of the Bachelor of Science in Applied Behavior Analysis, Intensive English for Professionals of Other Countries program (IEPOC), the General Education undergraduate component of the Nursing programs, and the Continuing Education Courses. The School of Arts & Sciences is designed to satisfy the needs of native and foreign-born learners who want to acquire a fundamental set of skills and continue or complete their education in order to become socially productive and integrated members of society. The School of Arts & Sciences faculty is dedicated to helping learners improve their English language proficiency, Critical Thinking Skills, Information Literacy, and Scientific and Mathematical Reasoning as a step toward achieving their career aspirations. Many of these students continue their studies, obtaining their Associate, Bachelor’s or Master’s degrees based on the fundamental skills and abilities mastered at MRU. Explore our diverse and nationally accredited programs and be part of the MRU family.